Volunteer Opportunities
On this page, you can find different opportunities to volunteer and support those who need assistance during COVID-19.
First Baptist Church JP and the Centre for Faith, Art and Justice is organizing meal and grocery distribution to people facing food scarcity issues. They are providing meals and a grocery bag of food to be delivered Saturday late mornings, Monday and Wednesday evenings – so people who need it can get food nearly every other day. They are looking for the following:
People who are Serv-Safe certified who can help cook. Sign up at https://forms.gle/c9r9duCSk89ydnN76
People who can deliver meals and groceries using their cars (1 to 1 ½ hour commitment max for each shift) on Monday and Wednesday evenings, and Saturday late mornings. Sign up athttps://fbcjp.breezechms.com/form/MealDeliveries
Donations to our community support fund, which pays for things like Stop and Shop cards and other essentials for people in need. Go to this link and choose the ‘Community Support Fund’: https://www.firstbaptistjp.org/page/give