Victory for Local 26!

After a six week strike against Marriott operated Hotels in Boston that commenced on Wednesday October 3rd , the members of UNITE HERE Local 26 ratified a new agreement on Saturday November 16th.
Significant wage increases, first time maternity and paternity benefits and job security language to protect against technological change were all included in the agreement. In addition the initial wage increase was retroactive to the expiration date of the contract in March.
An effective strategic plan, strong local union leadership, significant support from GBLC affiliated unions and most of all an engaged and courageous rank and file made this historic victory possible.
The members of Local 26 were a constant presence outside the hotels and on the streets of Boston throughout the strike. They carried their message of ‘One Job is Enough’ through some of the most miserable fall weather in years gaining public support in their fight against Marriot a hugely profitable corporation.
‘We salute Brian Lang, his leadership team at UNITE HERE Local 26 and the 1,500 striking members for this historic victory. This wasn’t just a huge win for Local 26 but a win that the entire Boston Labor movement can savor. It’s a huge shot in the arm for our local labor movement and demonstrates unequivocally that Boston is a Union City!" said Rich Rogers, Executive Secretary-Treasurer of the Greater Boston Labor Council.